Porn clip,  Couple

Beautiful hot treatment with male hand

To see her face as she enjoys his hand is the best.

URL: Pushing their buttons with fisting and squirting

Length: 24:16


A man gives what appears to be his girlfriend a really hot treatment with his hand in bed.

What I like

I would love to have this sort of treatment! He really seems to care about her, and she genuinely seems to enjoy it. He knows what he’s doing, and that is so hot! He varies how she comes by alternating his fingers between being inside her, outside her, and a little bit of both. To see her face as she enjoys his hand is the best.

What I don’t like

I would have liked to see him fisting her because she seems to like it when he has a lot of fingers in her.


Why wear a glove? He started without the gloves.
How many times does she come?

My favorite moments

Nothing in particular, I just like the whole thing.

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  • DG

    I agree with you, She is really enjoying this.
    Question ,One hand over the throat, what is the excitement,? Would like to get this explained of the feeling? Can see on other clips that it give strong orgasms,you can feel it, and that is a real turn on.

    • Liw

      I didn’t see a hand over the throat here… I’m really not into that, but I guess it symbolizes having control over someone or completely being in another person’s power?

      • DG

        I am curious person, to have a explanation about the kick some get out of it.
        As in some of the clips you see, that is real excitement, you see it in their

        • Liw

          I think it’s the feeling of being submissive and giving up control. I like that too, but I prefer having that hand holding my hair instead… or having my hands fastened and locked above my head.

      • DG

        I really like you style Liw, could build on the scenario with handcuffs, blindfolded and then the fantasi has no limit…

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